The grain storage complex is designed for receiving grain heap from vehicles, cleaning, drying grain storage and its subsequent discharge into the vehicle, train and ship The complex consists of a receiving section, cleaning section, grain internal transportation system, grain storage tanks, grain discharge system to the vehicles, manual and automatic process control systems. Grain is delivered by the vehicles through the truck scales equipped with an automatic sampler. As a result of the rapid analysis of moisture content and impurity content, the vehicles are directed for discharge into a receiving hopper to one of the four receiving and cleaning lines with a conveying capacity of 150 t/ h.

   To control the quality of the incoming and shipped products, the scope of supply includes the laboratory, equipped with all appliances, to control grain parameters as per current standards (impurity content, moisture content, grain unit, gluten, etc.) The technical solution of the project complies with the European Technical Safety Standards Atex and with the requirements of the fire and explosion safety in Russia and Belarus. Explosive equipment is equipped with a suction system. It is possible to install backup sensors, flow sensors and sensors to detect break of traction elements, sensors to control the speed of the actuated drums, as well as to install explosion vents and magnetic detectors.